
Monday, June 9, 2014

Me and My Baby Boy

  Birthday to Come

    I had a wonderful weekend, me and my little guy went out and ran the roads today. It amazes me how much he changes from day to day. He we be a year old next month and that is almost heart breaking to me, I miss that little helpless thing I brought home from the hospital. Now he is bound and determined that he wants to try to do things on his own and gets mad and mommy when she tries to help.. But on the other hand I am glad that he is a healthy little guy who is developing the way he is supposed to be.
     Any way to my point of my post today. I am going to soon start working on crafts for his 1st birthday party. I am doing a construction site theme.

This is the cake I got off Pinterest that I want made for adults to eat.
I already got the little dozers and everything.
And this cake is the one I want made for him to just tear into.
  I read that you can get a rounded shape by cooking the cake in a Pyrex bowl.
I think the whole thing is going thing is going to be adorable. I am trying to think of some cute little ideas of party favors and decorations that I can make on my own. I have a limited budget for his birthday and I want to make as much of it as possible.
      I hope to be posting more soon on the progress I am making on his party plans if anyone has any ideas or links just post them in the comments. Thanks in advance.
    I am going to also start a few more craft projects here soon. I am hoping summer months will mean I get to craft some. I will be working with Shrinky Dinks and 3-D Magic the Gathering token cards...
Oh in case I didn't mention it before.. I am also a little bit of a nerd. *wink wink*


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