
Friday, June 27, 2014

Complete and Utter Disappointment

   So yesterday ranks in the top 15 of the worst days of my life.. I went for my interview and I sat, and I sat and I sat while the place I went for an interview at went through a Fire Martial inspection, still did not get to have my interview. The woman in charge of the interview told me to go on home she would call me at my house for my interview. Well I live in one of these wonderful places in the world where most places there is limited cell signal and that is what I use for my house phone, does ok to call my folks when I need to, not ok to do and interview on, so I gave them my parents number. I sat at my mom and dads till around 8 o'clock(this place has unusual hours) and did not receive a call on my interview.. So sadness there.
   But the thing that made yesterday utterly unbearable, I decide to talk to the new principal at the school I worked at last year to find out she has already done interviews and put in her recommendations for who she wants to teach next year. So I will not be teaching at my same school next year. I was more than a little disappointed, I mean I wasn't expecting to be handed the job, but I did think I would at least get an interview.. Oh well, on to the next job. Hopefully I will get the opportunity to work in another school this year. Keep you fingers crossed and pray for me. I can use all the help and support I can get.  

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