
Friday, June 27, 2014

Complete and Utter Disappointment

   So yesterday ranks in the top 15 of the worst days of my life.. I went for my interview and I sat, and I sat and I sat while the place I went for an interview at went through a Fire Martial inspection, still did not get to have my interview. The woman in charge of the interview told me to go on home she would call me at my house for my interview. Well I live in one of these wonderful places in the world where most places there is limited cell signal and that is what I use for my house phone, does ok to call my folks when I need to, not ok to do and interview on, so I gave them my parents number. I sat at my mom and dads till around 8 o'clock(this place has unusual hours) and did not receive a call on my interview.. So sadness there.
   But the thing that made yesterday utterly unbearable, I decide to talk to the new principal at the school I worked at last year to find out she has already done interviews and put in her recommendations for who she wants to teach next year. So I will not be teaching at my same school next year. I was more than a little disappointed, I mean I wasn't expecting to be handed the job, but I did think I would at least get an interview.. Oh well, on to the next job. Hopefully I will get the opportunity to work in another school this year. Keep you fingers crossed and pray for me. I can use all the help and support I can get.  

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


     So today I received a phone call from a group home for girls, I had applied for a job there two years ago, went for an interview everything, never heard anything back. Well they have a position open they need to feel ASAP and want me to come in for an interview tomorrow.
      Two years ago I didn't have a husband or a child, two years ago I wasn't HANGING IN THE BALANCE waiting to hear if I was going to get to continue my teaching job or not. I don't know what to do, I didn't turn down the interview. I will never turn down and interview. But do I take this job, I mean in is related to the field I studied, or do I wait it out find out if there is a place for me next year. I DON'T KNOW!!!! SO CONFLICTED....

Thursday, June 19, 2014


    Today they are having a School Board meeting in my county, pray that today is the day I find out I will have a job next year, I hate this hurry up and wait stuff. I am on pins and needles and I know they don't have to decide tonight, but I really hope they do, and in my favor. So pray and keep fingers crossed for me today. Sorry for the short post but I can't concentrate on anything.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Like a chicken with the face of a monkey I fly!!!

     So in the process of trying to get my home organized so my crafty summer can begin I have had to learn ways to keep my, very attached to me son, distracted so I can get some things done. My son LOVES LOVES LOVES MUSIC. His two favorite movies right now are "Tangled" and "Frozen". Me and my husband now know the songs to both movies by heart.

   Me and my husband have started singing "Love is an Open Door" part by part and he just gets so tickled.. I think it thinks mommy sounds funny. I hate to use a TV for a babysitter, but he is so attached to me he won't let me move so I have to have something to use to give me a hand. Thank you Disney. I might have a clean house soon... Crafting here I come.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Summer Time Blues

           So I am already missing my job and it has only been two days, isn't that sad. Don't get me wrong I am glad to be home with my baby and my husband, but I still feel like I can't get anything done. I want to get my Spring cleaning done while there is still some Spring to clean in. I don't feel like I am going to be able to start crafting and really take off with this till I get it done.
          We have been living in our house for almost a year now and I still have things in boxes, and I know what you are thinking, if its still boxed up you don't need it. Well that would be fine and good if the stuff wasn't all the stuff to go up on my walls like pictures and things. Its all my crafting stuff and I very much want to get back into it.
          So wish me luck and a very patient baby cause that is the only way I am going to get anything accomplished.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Last Day of School

         Here I am, sitting in my classroom, looking around to make sure I have packed everything I brought with me. I am having such a hard time holding back tears. I love this place so much. I know I have only been here since January but it feels like home, this is the school I went to, some of these teachers were my teachers, I don't want to leave. My job this year was only a temporary one, no guarantee that there would be a place for me next year, and right now it doesn't look like there is going to be.
          I have applied to other places in the county, I hope to hear from them soon, but one can do or say anything till after June 15th and then there is no promise of quickness to the hiring process. I just know I want to teach, whether it here or even another county. Please pray for me, I am sending it out into the universe for some help and guidance. I know I am a good teacher, sure there are things I need to learn, and things I am rusty at, but I know I can inspire and teach. Its what I am meant to do and even if you are religious and don't believe in God you know that when you feel a tug this strong towards something that this is what you are supposed to be doing and you just can't fight it you have to do it.
      After today I plan to start a few series of summer crafts so please check it out and watch for post.  

Monday, June 9, 2014

Me and My Baby Boy

  Birthday to Come

    I had a wonderful weekend, me and my little guy went out and ran the roads today. It amazes me how much he changes from day to day. He we be a year old next month and that is almost heart breaking to me, I miss that little helpless thing I brought home from the hospital. Now he is bound and determined that he wants to try to do things on his own and gets mad and mommy when she tries to help.. But on the other hand I am glad that he is a healthy little guy who is developing the way he is supposed to be.
     Any way to my point of my post today. I am going to soon start working on crafts for his 1st birthday party. I am doing a construction site theme.

This is the cake I got off Pinterest that I want made for adults to eat.
I already got the little dozers and everything.
And this cake is the one I want made for him to just tear into.
  I read that you can get a rounded shape by cooking the cake in a Pyrex bowl.
I think the whole thing is going thing is going to be adorable. I am trying to think of some cute little ideas of party favors and decorations that I can make on my own. I have a limited budget for his birthday and I want to make as much of it as possible.
      I hope to be posting more soon on the progress I am making on his party plans if anyone has any ideas or links just post them in the comments. Thanks in advance.
    I am going to also start a few more craft projects here soon. I am hoping summer months will mean I get to craft some. I will be working with Shrinky Dinks and 3-D Magic the Gathering token cards...
Oh in case I didn't mention it before.. I am also a little bit of a nerd. *wink wink*


Starting Over

           I am starting over, I had another blog but I decided that I didn't like the way it was going so I decided to do it up right this time. So an introduction to what I am planning.. This is going to be a blog that shows the balance of the different sides of me: teacher, mother, wife, crafter, and nerd. Things in my life are also a little crazy right now so that is another reason for the title of my blog. I am currently finishing up half year of teaching Kindergarten, the class was to big and they had to split it into, the school year is over tomorrow.
            I have no idea where I am going to be next year. I have done a little bit of everything in the three years since I have graduated college. I have worked as a tutor, and Home Bound teacher, I worked at and insurance agency and a Dollar Tree, oh and at one point a small kitchen supply store in the middle of a tourist town. I had never had my own classroom till this year though. I just hope I have a room to call my own next year as well.
           So I want to get to the meat and bones of what I want to do with this blog. I LOVE TO CRAFT. So basically what I want to do is vent a little and CRAFT ALOT!!! I want to do crafts for all my sides. I want to put up lesson plans that I like and I am working on and other randomness that goes along with a classroom and a teacher with an uncertain future... lol. I also want to post the craft and things I am doing with my son who will be a year old next month. And last but not least, I want to post some crafts that appeal to my nerdy side.. LOTS OF CRAFTS for my NERDY side. So wish we luck and feel free to chime in good or bad let me know how I am doing and what you would do.. I want the to be DIY and conversational all at the same time.