
About Me

           My name is Aburn Sands, I am from Small Town USA and I love it, you know the place, everybody knows everybody. I am (at this point in time) in the first few years of my marriage. I love my family, my mom and dad are my next door neighbors, and I am surrounded by family on all sides. I also have a little boy who is just starting to walk.
         Things in my life are a little hectic right now. I like I said I have not been married for long and I have a soon to be Toddler, so things can be a little much at times. Don't get me wrong I love them both and would not change my life for a second, but it does make life interesting. lol
         Since January I have been teaching Kindergarten in the school I attended as a child and I have loved it. But the school year is ending and I was only hired on temporary so I am unsure of where I will be next year, and needless to say that makes me a little nervous.
         My favorite thing in life outside of my family, is crafting. It is something I have done with my mom and dad since I was little. My dad has a wood working shop and me and my mom have done everything from paper crafts to quilting and anything and everything in between. I enjoy photography would love to make a career of it just never been able to put in the time for classes so it is purely a hobby for now.  I also have a nerdy side, me and my husband met playing a card game called Magic the Gathering. I still enjoy playing Magic along with other Role Playing games and video games.
       So to put me in a nut shell, I am a ranting, crafting, nerdy, mother/teacher who has a lot of ideas and things to say.

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